PDF Security in SharePoint 2010

Here’s a handy nugget of information I picked up at NZSPC2011.

Out of the box, SP2010 will force you to save PDFs from SharePoint, not open them. This is to prevent XSS which is pretty easy to do in PDFs. Good solid security principal that one – I like it.

For most users however, this comes as a jarring change to what they’re used to, so queue complaints from users, and an SP Admin looking for a quick fix. Google will quickly point you at hundreds of suggestions to change the Browser File Handling setting from Strict to Permissive (set per web-application, under General Settings).

This is a purely evil approach, as it immediately relaxes file handling security for ALL file types, not just PDF.

The better way of doing this, is setting an ‘Inline Download’ exclusion just for PDF files. There’s a good post at pdfsharepoint.com by Dmitry that covers this in detail, but here’s the important bit..

Via PowerShell, run the following script to create a MIME type exclusion for PDF files in your web application. The only value you need to change here is the http://webapp.domain bit – set it to your web application hostname.

$webApp = Get-SPWebApplication http://webapp.domain
 If ($webApp.AllowedInlineDownloadedMimeTypes -notcontains "application/pdf")
   Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "Adding Pdf MIME Type..."
   Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "Added and saved."
 } Else {
   Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "Pdf MIME type is already added."

JB / The Daywalker

Ginger IT dude hanging out down in New Zealand, playing with technology since ages ago.

Currently Service Delivery Manager at Silicon Systems, formerly Skype for Business MVP, and generally into all things Microsoft (and a few things that aren’t).

When I’m not nerding out on technology, you can find me running ultramarathons, brewing beer, or in my woodshop building something.

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